Hi! Welcome to PhysioX!

Dr. Jia Li (Dr. J)


  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy- Franklin Pierce University

  • B.S in Kinesiology- UMASS Amherst

  • Boston Latin Academy


  • Mckenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy Part A for Lumbar Spine

  • Mckenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy Part B for Cervical Spine

  • Postural Restoration Myokinematic Restoration

  • Gary Ward’s Anatomy in Motion

Hi! My name is Jia Li. There are glass half empty and glass half full people. I am just happy I have a glass to fill. I am the son of two hard-working Chinese immigrants who sacrificed everything so I can fulfill my life’s mission. That mission is to help my fellow humans achieve a pain free body so they can live the life they always envisioned.

As a physical therapist who worked in a traditional clinic, I witnessed the current healthcare system consistently fail people with chronic back pain. People are rushed into unnecessary MRIs, unnecessary shots, and even surgery. Traditional PT clinics are seeing 3-4 people at a time and handing out generic "PT" exercises that don't work. Chiropractors are telling folks to see them twice a week for eternity to get their spine "back in place," which evidence doesn't support. If you fell into this trap, you are not alone.

From years of working in manual labor, my own mother developed chronic back pain. She failed multiple approaches from traditional PT, chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and even got a cortisone shot. I have personally tried to help her in my early career, but I failed her too. That hit me pretty hard. I spent the next several years studying and learning from many different experts in an effort to piece the puzzle together. I was finally able to get my mother the result I had hoped for. Not only that, what I learned in my journey would forever change the way I look and work with the human body.

I realized that the materials taught in graduate school were not adequate to help people create permanent changes. The old model relied heavily on looking at one body part at a time and examining its function in isolation. These insights were made from observing cadavers (dead bodies). A living, breathing human body is much more complex. Here is what I uncovered.

Every part of a living body is interconnected like the intricate insides of an analog clock. This is why changing your foot position can affect how your back feels. A living body also has an active nervous system. The nervous system allows you to move freely without having to think too much. When it is not working well, you may be stuck trying to do everything with “perfect form” for tasks that shouldn’t require conscious thought such as sitting, walking, reaching and pulling. It can make simply living feel like a full-time job!

Luckily, there is a way to change all of this. I took all the discoveries and created the PhysioX system. I used this system to design the PX Remote Coaching Program in 2020 at the height of the pandemic. It is a 100% digital program that helped many people who failed traditional therapy methods get results they once thought was impossible. While the company did very well online, I missed the ability to interact with my fellow humans face to face. In the summer of 2022, I made a big decision.

I decided to build a team to expand PhysioX’s mission and to build a physical location in Needham, Massachusetts! We also expanded our PhysioX system to not just treat back pain, but also to treat injuries to the neck, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. We are now seeing clients both digitally and in person! If you are local to the Needham area and would like to check out our new space or learn more about what we do, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Dr. Adrian Gonzalez


  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy - Tufts University School of Medicine

  • B.S. in Athletic Training - SUNY Cortland


  • Baltimore Orioles Athletic Trainer

  • McKenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy Part A for Lumbar Spine

  • HawkGrips IASTM Level 1

  • Gary Ward’s Anatomy in Motion

In 2011, my father suffered a stroke. He is the hardest working person I know, and watching him struggle to hold a cup of coffee turned my world upside down. I wanted to help, but I just felt hopeless. However, witnessing his physical therapy team work diligently with him allowed him to regain full function. That was when I knew I wanted a career in physical rehabilitation.

My passion eventually led me to become an Athletic Trainer, and I proudly joined the esteemed Baltimore Orioles Organization. While working with professional athletes was a dream for many, I felt a void. Though I cherished the experience, I wanted to create a bigger impact. I knew I could do more, but the nature of the athletic training career simply didn't allow for it.

The next logical step was to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I thought that would fill my void, but I was left with a familiar feeling. Through firsthand experiences in conventional insurance-based clinics, I felt a similar sense of not being able to create the type of impact I had hoped for. There was an overemphasis on symptom management instead of addressing the underlying root cause. There was no emphasis on the interconnected nature of the body and its influence on the recovery process. Each patient was categorized by their diagnosis instead of taking into consideration all the complexity that makes them unique. It is easy to understand why many people say, "physical therapy doesn't work." Meanwhile, I continued to search for a company that gives the attention each person deserves and practices therapy in a holistic way.

My search brought me to the doorstep of PhysioX, a visionary company that operates outside the confines of the traditional insurance-based model. Patients receive the type of one-on-one attention needed to resolve complex issues. There is a great emphasis on a whole-body approach where getting to the root cause of each patient's problem is actually possible! I watch patients make remarkable changes with each visit. The shift is remarkable. It renewed the same awe-inspiring feeling I had when I was witnessing my father's recovery.

If you've been struggling with pain and haven't achieved the results you had hoped for in your past rehabilitation journey, you may have become entangled in a broken system. I want you to be aware that there are better ways to approach your recovery. Don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at adrian@physiox.co, and I will personally arrange a call to better understand your situation and explore how we can offer assistance!

Don’t just take it from us…